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Welcome to Kinder at Leighland

Welcome to Kinder at Leighland Christian School; a place where your child will be valued for their individuality because we believe children are created in God’s image and design, and it is our job to support them to become all they can be. It is our deep hope that each one will become curious learners who explore God’s world with awe and wonder.


One of the goals of Kindergarten is to create a safe place where children love to come, that slowly and sensitively introduces them to some of the routines and realities of starting school the following year. We desire for our students to become brave decision makers who develop confidence to engage with these learning opportunities and challenges in the Kinder classroom. That establishes a solid foundation for their learning journey.


The Jesus Storybook Bible is integrated into our program, helping children to understand that God made them as special individuals and He loves them for who they are. The children will learn who God is, how He made the world, as well as some of the key stories and people from the Bible. 

At Leighland Christian School, we believe that Kindergarten is a time for children to:

  • Learn about God's world and how it relates to their lives

  • Feel safe and secure

  • Have fun as they learn and grow in a supportive environment

  • Learn through play-based activities and opportunities

  • Establish routines

  • Be themselves, accepted for who they are and challenged to become who they can be

  • Discover new things

  • Experiment, innovate & develop their natural inquisitiveness

  • Learn to express their ideas

  • Be active, developing fine and gross motor skills

​​Our Kindergarten program operates three days per week and children must be 4 years old on 1 January to be eligible to start Kindergarten that year (unless an exemption has been applied for and approved by the Office of the Educational Registrar). Burnie and Ulverstone Campus also run a weekly playgroup and we would encourage you to attend these to become familiar with our facilities, to learn about our culture and to meet families already in the school.

Kinder at the
Ulverstone Campus

Kinder at the
Burnie Campus


Amelia Shepherd

Kindergarten Teacher

Burnie Campus

Porch, Mrs Lauren.jpeg

Lauren Porch

Kindergarten Teacher

Burnie Campus


Angella Jackson

Kindergarten Teacher

Ulverstone Campus


Shaylyn Evans

Kindergarten Teacher

Ulverstone Campus


'As children move through Kindergarten we want them to be enthusiastic and engaged about life and their place in it, to be developing new skills and growing in confidence.  We want them to begin establishing relationships with each other, and learn to cooperate and share their world with others".  

There is so much to discover

Nurturing Growth

We are passionate about creating a nurturing environment for our children where they can shine and grow as an active and contributing member of their class. Our educations and teacher aides work collaboratively to nurture, direct, engage and embrace students as they learn from and with each other in classroom settings that are inviting and innovative. Our teachers aim to provide a rich and diverse range of experiences, activities and resources that promote children’s learning, well-being, and development. Students are known and treated as individuals, with their strengths and passions explored and their areas for consolidation and growth identified and developed over the course of the year.

Developing a strong sense of identity

Kindergarten offers a wonderful first year of school where children can develop their independence, gain essential social skills, and are provided with opportunities to explore who they are and how they fit into the world around them. We aim to nurture a safe environment where children can make mistakes, learn from them, and begin to understand their place in the family, the classroom, in the wider school community and in God’s world.


We believe each child is wonderfully unique and therefore we value early years programs and practices that are child-centred, stimulating and maximise opportunities for enhancing and extending each child’s learning and development.

Outdoor and
Nature Play

Children already have a sense of wonder about the world around them when they start Kindergarten and at Leighland Christian School we aim to build on this through a program that engages students with nature and the world around them, including wet water play days, excursions, an extensive learn to swim program, cross campus activities, carnivals, and school wide events.


Children learn by experiencing the world around them and our educators take many opportunities to develop this sense of awe and wonder in their classroom, in the beautiful school settings and in our local environments.


They will have a weekly music, HPE and library lesson taught by specialist teachers as part of their learning program.

Early Years Learning Framework

The Kinder program is based on the Early Years Learning Framework that adopts three main areas of development including:


Belonging acknowledges children’s interdependence with others and the basis of relationships in defining identities. In early childhood, and throughout life, relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging. Belonging is central to being and becoming in that it shapes who children are and who they can become.


Being recognises the significance of the here and now in children’s lives. It is about the present and them knowing themselves, building and maintaining relationships with others, engaging with life’s joys and complexities, and meeting challenges in everyday life. 


Children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, capacities, skills and relationships change during childhood. They are shaped by many different events and circumstances. Becoming reflects this process of rapid and significant change that occurs in the early years as young children learn and grow. 

More about our focus on hands-on learning

More about our focus on outdoor & nature play

Learning based on student interests

Incredible experienced & passionate teachers that really care about your child

Your next steps

We are committed to fostering collaborative relationships with families and understand that this is fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children. We acknowledge and encourage community partnerships based on open communication, consultation, and collaboration and actively partner with parents in the education of your children. If this sounds like the kind of environment you would like to see your child or children flourish in, then we would love to hear from you.


To find out more about our Kindergarten program at Leighland, you can:

  • Fill out an enrolment enquiry form and we will get back in touch with you

  • Book a tour to visit our Burnie or Ulverstone campus to see where your child could be enrolled for Kinder

  • Register your child for pre-Kinder to get them prepared for Kinder once your letter of offer has been received.

We can't wait to see you next year



Principal  |  Mrs Elizabeth Scheu

40 Main Road, Wivenhoe

P. 03 6430 9000



Principal |  Dr Katrina McNab

45A Leighlands Ave. Ulverstone

P. 03 6425 0999


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