'Christian Education invites young people to see and understand the world through the perspective of God’s truth.' - CEN website
Many people have heard of Christian schools but what does it mean to have Christian education and a Christian school?
Is the education any different? Whether it’s learning how to run a 400m race, learning how to spell “rendezvous”, or learning to factorise a polynomial, all knowing has its ultimate meaning and purpose when framed by God’s big picture story anchored in Jesus.
All forms of education will have a particular perspective on life. It may not always be obvious or overtly stated, but it will shape how things are understood and spoken about, how things are done, and what is chosen to be taught. This might be in the form of assumptions about the nature and origins of the world, or it might be evident through suggestions about the purpose of life and indeed what it means to be fulfilled as a human. No form of education is neutral as it will always be providing a particular lens through which the student sees the world and their place in it.
Christian education invites young people to see and understand the world through the perspective of God’s truth. The Bible becomes the lens in which students view what they are learning. The lens focusses their thinking on ultimate truth–a biblical vision for life where the world is created and sustained by God; where God has acted in history to deal with the distortions of creation caused by human rebellion; and where history is advancing towards a new creation in which all things are reconciled to God through Jesus who is not only the climax of the biblical story but is also the focal point of the lens.
Christian schooling is an expression of Christian parents attempting to fulfil their responsibility to raise and train their children in a godly manner. Their hope is that children will discover their place in God’s great story, learn how to serve others and be better prepared for life.
Leighland Christian School is providing bold Christian Education for the North West Coast of Tasmania and allowing students and teachers the opportunity to explore the basis of a relationship with God while seeking to live together according to the principles established in the Bible.
A child’s education is more than imparting knowledge. It is to impart wisdom to make wise choices in life.
For more information on Christian Education please view the Christian Education National Website

At Leigland Christian School we believe Chaplaincy plays a vital and important role in the life and culture of our School. Chaplains are supportive of students and parents and provide additional role modelling, as well as a caring presence. Students benefit greatly by having a confidante and listening ear of a wiser adult and friend who can be a resource on spirituality, values and meaning.
What is a School Chaplain?
This program aims to help our school community support the spiritual, social and emotional wellbeing of our students.
Chaplains are a part of the student support services team in this school.
Chaplains provide students, their families and staff with support and appropriate referrals.
Chaplains participate in school activities eg camps, excursions, sports, events, garden and cooking programs.
Chaplains have relevant qualifications with a minimum of Certificate IV in Youth Work and Diploma level.
Chaplains participate in regular professional learning/training.
If you are interested in meeting with our School Chaplain, they can be contacted via the School Office or on the link below. Participation in the Chaplaincy Program is voluntary.