Hi, and welcome to Leighland Christian School – Ulverstone Campus!
We are a thriving, Kinder to Year 12 school on the beautiful North-West Coast of Tasmania. We offer a Christ-Centered education that inspires, nurtures and equips students to connect learning to life. This means we take every opportunity to provide our students with authentic, real-world learning experiences from which they can take personal meaning. We know that God created each child in His image, and that no two people are the same. Therefore, we seek to provide a variety of learning experiences which can engage our students no matter where they are at – we will meet them where they are!
Through a personalized learning approach, we believe in partnering with you as the caregivers, in
providing a wholistic experience for your child here at school, where we focus student engagement, personal achievement and wellbeing. Leighland students are engaged in our school community, invested in their learning, and have a personal voice & choice. Our students achieve at their personal best, with point-of-need learning, and we seek to provide opportunities for them to feel connected, supported and a sense of belonging to our school community.
The beach is right on our doorstep, and we utilise God’s beautiful outdoor classroom as much as we can! Our students enjoy a hands-on approach to learning, with many students across the school
engaging in Project-Based Learning, with links to local industry. We believe in equipping our students for the unknown future world by immersing them in opportunities to develop their
God-given skills in critical thinking, collaboration, communication and problem-solving. Leighland students are innovators, entrepreneurs, lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.
Underpinning all of this, our school is built on solid Biblical threads which encourage our students
and staff to love God, celebrate life, imitate humility, ponder Christ’s creation, show mercy,
transform thinking, and unwrap God’s most precious gift for us – our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ,
through which we have eternal life.
I look forward to meeting with you soon!