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1) At the start of each week, students fill out the card with the goals for each subject which they can find on Teams (or in work that has been sent home in hard copy).

2) They work through each goal and as they are completed they are crossed off.

3) At the end of the week, parents sign the Goal Card and then the student uploads it (by taking a photo or uploading the PDF) to their Care Groups Team as an Assignment for that week.

4) Parents can download a new Goal Card from the website for the following week. Those who have opted for paper will be issued with a new card when new work is dropped off and can return the prior weeks Goal Card with the work the student has completed.


In either your hard copy pack or on the TEAMS platform, that there is a Learning Goals sheet.


Each week the children need to tick off the tasks they have completed for that week, parents sign the bottom of it and these are returned to school. They will become evidence of student’s attendance in a similar way as we mark a roll at school. It is essential that these are returned each week to your classroom teacher.



Principal  |  Mrs Elizabeth Scheu

40 Main Road, Wivenhoe

P. 03 6430 9000



Principal |  Dr Katrina McNab

45A Leighlands Ave. Ulverstone

P. 03 6425 0999


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